The weekly sale of sheep with lambs at foot saw 2 and 3 crop Mule ewes with Suffolk twin lambs sell to £205 from A & M Skidmore, Tebay. Aged Cheviot ewes with single lambs sold to £122. The season is now drawing to an end with record numbers sold this year through Junction 36, a big thank you goes to our vendors and purchasers for their continued support.
The fantastic trade continued for the time of year, with Junction 36 today averaging 297p/kg, well inline with other market centres on the same day, Numbers continue to increase with an entry today of 894. The top honours today were shared with £172 achieved by R & E Ladds, Kendal with a smart 55kg Texel lamb. Also selling to £172 or 358p/kg was a good quality Beltex lamb from W S Burrows & Sons, Silverdale. This was followed by heavy weight Texel lambs to £166.50 from R J Stott, Stainton, £163 from DE & SM Moorhouse, Natland, £159 from J & O Galbraith & Son, Endmoor, £156 from C & J Bennett, St Michaels, £153.50 from R & E Ladds, Kendal. Heavy weight Suffolk lambs peaked at £165 from E Needham, Stainton followed by heavy weight Hampshires selling to £160 from J & O Galbraith & Son, Endmoor. Plenty more pens of well finished 45kg upward lambs selling in excess of £140. All Texel lambs 45kg upwards averaging £153.45, with all breeds in this weight range averaging £148.06. Plenty pens of commercial handy weighted 40-42kg lambs which were well finished selling around the 300p/kg mark with better types selling in excess of this price. Lightweight lambs between 30-35kg remain in good demand, with 32kg Texels selling to £106 from J Bryning, Tebay, with these types of lambs regularly selling in excess of 300p/kg.
A smaller entry of prime hoggs forward this week with many consigners sweepings up. The trade topped at £142 from C R Howard, Ulverston.
Junction 36 had an entry in excess of 300 forward with all ewes forward including a large proportion of hill sheep averaging an impressive £96.98. As seen at other markets the edge is slightly off the trade but vendors are strongly advised to take advantage of this strong trade especially for the time of year. Leading the way today was a Suffolk x ewe from D M & D Cook, Ulverston selling to £169. All Suffolk ewes forward averaged £125. Continental ewes regularly sold around the £130 mark, Masham ewes sold to a top of £129 from J Wilson & Sons, Appleby. Mule ewes sold to a top of £127 from A Page, Sedbergh with others to £123 from K Gregory, Silverdale. Plenty of pens of strong Mule ewes selling in the region of £110. Horned sheep saw Rough Fells sell to a top of £113 from S & W Dickinson, Tebay followed by others to £110 from J Wilson & Sons, Appleby with all Rough Fells forward averaging £97. Swaledale ewes peaked at £96 from B & D Willison & Son, Levens with pens of well fleshed Swale ewes selling between £170 and £190.